Dear Zachary | 2 months

IMG_7016Dear Zachary

Happy 2 months little guy!

And you’re starting to be not so little anymore! You’re finally putting on some decent weight (praise hands!) and jumped from 7.9lbs to 10.3lbs in just over a month! Very impressive little man! Dr. Porath has made comment that she was impressed that you jumped from the 4% to 12% that quickly, but I guess everything (including your insane appetite) is finally catching up. I’m just happy to hear that you’re growing and keeping the weight on. You also grew to 22.6 inches, so still on the small side, but at least you’re healthy.

Speaking of awesome, you are a pretty awesome eater. You still nurse every 2-4 hours (depending on mood and how long you’ve been awake), but it’s always a really good nursing, and then you’re happy afterwards. And because you’re still sticking to the 3-4 hours at night, it also means that Mommy can get some sleep at night as well.

IMG_6995You’re also an awesome sleeper. You sleep through pretty much anything. Your sister's being loud and crazy? Check. Parades? Check. Fireworks? Check. It really doesn’t matter what is going on around you. If you need your sleep, you’ll fall asleep and stay like that. And I love it. It does make life a bit more easier when you have a baby that sleeps through anything.

You’re pretty content most days. Although you are finding your voice and letting Mom know whenever you are displeased. Although it’s usually because you’re either tired, hungry or need a bum change. But otherwise you’re pretty content with watching the world around you.

IMG_6974You have also discovered that you can smile. And boy do you have some big toothless grins for Mommy & Daddy in the mornings. I love that big grin of yours.

And to go along with that big grin is noise! You’ve started making noise (other than crying) and “talking” with Mommy & Daddy. I love that you’re starting to recognize your voice and letting us know how happy you are.

Love you to the Moon and back handsome man,


