
Showing posts from September, 2017

Intentions for the Week - September 25, 2017

Oops. I realized that I haven't posted for a while. My bad. I've been battling a sinus cold this past week and it knocked me on my butt. At least I'm on the mend now. I'm gonna try to keep more on top of my lists and (hopefully) start writing a bit more. Intentions for the Week: Work on making chore charts for the girls Work on August and September journals Continue working on 2016 scrapbook Start working on 2017 scrapbook Make a photo book of Violet's artwork Write down an evening routine for myself Get 10 rows done on my current Lego Geek-Along square Organize and overhaul the pantry Set up October in my planner.

Intentions for the Week - September 11, 2017

Hey there! Not a whole lot has been going on this past week.... Except.... I officially have a Grade 1 girl in my house! She's so excited, loves her teacher, is in the same class as her best friend and loves it. And this next week starts Awana's (with both girls going!), Pre-School for Dominique (!!) and Mom's Group for me! Whew! Anyway... I did pretty good with last week's intentions and got quite a few things done. And now that we're getting back onto our school schedule (and Violet is gone all day!), I'm hoping to be able to get more done. All of this, of course, depends on how much little man wants to nurse and also spending time with Dominique as well. This Week's Intentions: Start organizing small storage closet Find ways to file all paperwork Start going through my Recipe boards on Pinterest Finish August journal Take 2 things from my 101 list and work on them Work on 2016 scrapbook Work on Dominique's baby book Work on Zach's ...

Dear Zachary | 2 months

Dear Zachary Happy 2 months little guy! And you’re starting to be not so little anymore! You’re finally putting on some decent weight (praise hands!) and jumped from 7.9lbs to 10.3lbs in just over a month! Very impressive little man! Dr. Porath has made comment that she was impressed that you jumped from the 4% to 12% that quickly, but I guess everything (including your insane appetite) is finally catching up. I’m just happy to hear that you’re growing and keeping the weight on. You also grew to 22.6 inches, so still on the small side, but at least you’re healthy. Speaking of awesome, you are a pretty awesome eater. You still nurse every 2-4 hours (depending on mood and how long you’ve been awake), but it’s always a really good nursing, and then you’re happy afterwards. And because you’re still sticking to the 3-4 hours at night, it also means that Mommy can get some sleep at night as well. You’re also an awesome sleeper. You sleep through pretty much anything. Your sister's being ...

A Short Story of our Puppy, Winnie

This one is a hard one to write. I was really hoping that the story of our new Boxer puppy would continue to play out for years to come, but tragically ended after 3 weeks. This story started a couple months ago. We had been debating for quite a while about getting a puppy. Me and Keith both grew up with dogs and had been wanting one for a while. We decided that we'd casually look at getting a dog, seeing as I'd be home with 3 kids by myself for majority of the day and wouldn't mind having a dog to protect our house. And then a slew of break-ins started happening in our neighborhood and we agreed that we needed a dog. And not one that I can punt over the fence. It was Keith's idea to get a Boxer puppy, as he had one growing up and they make really good family dogs and are awesome with kids. We both kept our eyes/ears open for something close to us when Keith found her online, and only a 1.5 hour drive away from us. We made the drive out there one afternoon to take a loo...

Intentions for the Week - September 4, 2017

Hello Monday! I'm getting this post up a bit later than I planned as it's been a really stressful weekend and my head just wasn't in the game at all. I did make a good dent in my list for last week. Like I said before, some stuff will take me a bit longer to go through and complete, and others are easy to do. I need a mixture of both in order to actually get stuff done around the house. Anyways, here's this week's intentions: Go through 1 cookbook and copy favorite (or ones I want to try) recipes and then donate cookbook Get another 10 rows done on my current Geek-Along square Finish August journal Start organizing small storage closet Find ways to file all paperwork Continue going through all warranty/instructions Continue working on a morning routine for myself (devotions, journal, self-care) Finish Violet's baby book Have a successful first week of Violet back to school! Write Zach's 2-month letter Go through the girls' clothes and transition them ove...