Around Here, I have 2 completely different kids when it comes to waking up. Dominique is already bouncing and asking for food at 6am (you'd think that I don't ever feed that kid!) and Violet who prefers to sleep in and have a slow start to the day.
Around Here, it's coffee with a big dose of Irish Creamer and a yogurt to start my day.
Around Here, Keith goes to school for his Statistics exam while I get myself dressed and get Violet off to the bus and Dominique watches some Paw Patrol on Netflix.
Around Here, my Mom stops by for a quick visit in between clients and Dominique is thrilled.
Around Here, I get to cleaning the kitchen and starting to wash all the bedding.
Around Here, I prep and freeze the mangos, prep a smoothies for myself and get me and Dominique a morning snack.
Around Here, I decide to quickly tackle the food cupboard and organize/clean it up a bit. Looks much better!!
Around Here, Keith gets home from his exam and gets ready to go to the gym.
Around Here, me and Dominique go get Violet from the bus stop. As usual, Dom's very happy to see Violet and runs up to her for a hug. Violet thinks it's a game and runs around saying "ahh! Monster!!" 😂
Around Here, Violet quickly gets to cleaning up Elsa's cage (the Guinea Pig) while I get lunch going.
Around Here, I run out and do errands once Keith gets home. Van gets washed, mail gets checked, pick up Booster Juice and the last of the papers that we need to file taxes.
Around Here, Violet declares it "smoothies and snuggles!" While we watch some cartoons on Netflix.
Around Here, Violet sings one of her songs to Dominique to calm her down after she woke up from her nap.
Around Here, supper is leftover ham with macaroni and cheese with a garden salad on the side.
Around Here, Violet does her last chore of putting away all her laundry while I make the beds.
Around Here, Violet gets another sticker for her chore chart and is one more day closer to her goal of new Minecraft Lego.
Around Here, Dominique's in bed around 8 and Violet follows shortly after.
Around Here, I have my weekly Girls' Night with my best friends.
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