Currently 9/52
Reading The Orphan Train, along with daily reading to Violet for her School Home Reading Program.
Trying to organize all my Pinterest boards. I've gone through almost all of them, save for the. If board of food that I have to go through. But it's nice seeing it all tidied up with stuff that I'll most likely use.
Knitting the Mario Kart square for Violet's blanket. She chose to have the video game Geek-Along blanket, and she's very excited that I started to work on hers. I haven't forgotten about my Geek-Along blanket (the 2017 version), but I'm being picky about which squares go on mine, and I have to wait for new ones to be released.
Loving that our Ultrasound appointment is today and we get to see the little one! Before anyone asks, no, we're not finding out.
Hating that I decided to cut out chocolate and soda pop. I've been having Pepsi cravings almost daily, but I've been good and reaching for my water bottle (or orange juice) instead.
Enjoying the small little nesting/purging that I'm going through. Almost all my cupboards have been cleaned/organized and I just need to go through my pantry and deep freezer for my kitchen to be complete. I've also gone through quite a few of the girls' craft stuff (and thrown out quite a bit that wasn't useful anymore).
Trying to organize all my Pinterest boards. I've gone through almost all of them, save for the. If board of food that I have to go through. But it's nice seeing it all tidied up with stuff that I'll most likely use.

Loving that our Ultrasound appointment is today and we get to see the little one! Before anyone asks, no, we're not finding out.
Hating that I decided to cut out chocolate and soda pop. I've been having Pepsi cravings almost daily, but I've been good and reaching for my water bottle (or orange juice) instead.

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