Currently 2017 12/52

Knitting the Dr. Strange square for my Geek-Along blanket.

Going to the city this weekend with just me and the girls'. Crossing fingers that everything goes smoothly and Mama doesn't stress out too much.
Loving that Dominique is basically potty trained! She's in panties all day long (except if we go to the city), and her diapers are dry at night as well! Now just to sum up the courage to take the diapers away at night.....

Feeling like the 24 weeks pregnant that I am. The little guy is doing great and just keeps on moving and kicking and growing like he's supposed to.
Starting my 101 in 1001 list again. I'm already knocking a couple off the list and have plans for a lot more to be done before the little guy comes in a couple months.
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