Currently 13/52
Reading The Magic of Motherhood by the writers over at Coffee & Crumbs. It's so good! I'm not even done it, but I highly recommend any Mama out there to get a copy! Watching The Iron Fist on Netflix. I'm just getting into it, but it's proving to be a good one! Cooking some more new recipes and crossing my fingers that they work. Knitting the Dr. Strange square. I was hoping to be done it already, so I'm crossing fingers that I can get it done today. Going on a Family Date this evening! So looking forward to getting out of the house. Loving how much the little guy is moving. Hating that Dominique is showing more of her temper/attitude. I think we're entering the Terrible Three's and slightly bracing myself. Discovering that the little guy is a night owl. He literally kept me up for 2 hours the other night, punching and kicking so hard that it hurt a bit. This baby is going to come up looking like the Hulk! Enjoying the outside walks that I've...