
Showing posts from March, 2017

Currently 13/52

Reading The Magic of Motherhood by the writers over at Coffee & Crumbs. It's so good! I'm not even done it, but I highly recommend any Mama out there to get a copy! Watching The Iron Fist on Netflix. I'm just getting into it, but it's proving to be a good one! Cooking some more new recipes and crossing my fingers that they work. Knitting the Dr. Strange square. I was hoping to be done it already, so I'm crossing fingers that I can get it done today. Going on a Family Date this evening! So looking forward to getting out of the house. Loving how much the little guy is moving. Hating that Dominique is showing more of her temper/attitude. I think we're entering the Terrible Three's and slightly bracing myself. Discovering  that the little guy is a night owl. He literally kept me up for 2 hours the other night, punching and kicking so hard that it hurt a bit. This baby is going to come up looking like the Hulk! Enjoying the outside walks that I've...

Currently 2017 12/52

Watching Planet Earth on Netflix with the girls'. Trying Yoga out for the first time and loving that it helps me slow down and relax. Knitting the Dr. Strange square for my Geek-Along blanket. Doing some purging this week. I completely cleaned out the Play Room to eventually turn it into the little guy's room and got rid of a bunch of toys that need new homes. Going to the city this weekend with just me and the girls'. Crossing fingers that everything goes smoothly and Mama doesn't stress out too much. Loving that Dominique is basically potty trained! She's in panties all day long (except if we go to the city), and her diapers are dry at night as well! Now just to sum up the courage to take the diapers away at night..... Enjoying my early mornings to myself during the week. I'm usually up when Keith goes to the gym at 6am, and I grab myself a cup of coffee/tea (depending on my mood), my knitting and a podcast and sit down on the couch for the next 45-60 m...

Day in the Life - March 21, 2017

Welcome to my Day in the Life for March! Today was a pretty easy day to document and I even made sure to use my big DSLR camera a bit more today to prepare for Week in the Life that Ali is doing in April. A couple things to note: 1) I really need to work at getting Keith in the photos. My documenting tends to go down when he gets home (no clue why) and I don't usually get a lot of photos of him (that are appropriate). 2) I also need to work on my self-timing photos for myself and get myself in the photos as well. 3) I also need to work on being a bit more creative with my photos around the house, especially with WITL coming up. When I look back on all my projects, I tend to notice that a lot of my photos look the same. 6am : Wake up, grab coffee and sit down with an episode of Coffee & Crumbs podcast and work on my knitting (currently Dr. Strange for my Geek-Along Blanket). 6:30am : Both girls' up for the day and snuggle with me on the couch for a bit before getting breakfa...

101 in 1001

Hi there! I'm starting a new goal-setting project called the 101 in 1001. Basically, you set 101 goals/things to do in 1001 days, which is about 1 goal every 10 days. I like this project due to the fact that I can set long-term and short-term goals and aim to have them done instead of constantly putting them off. I've come up with quite a few categories and goals to go along with them. And I'm really hoping (and crossing my fingers) that I'll be able to get a lot of these done. Start: March 20, 2017 Finish: December 16, 2019 Completed: 1/101 Blog 1) Blox 3x a week for 2 months 2) Set goals for 6 months and blog about them 3) Set up a Blog Calendar Creative 4) Catch up Violet’s Baby Book before Baby #3 gets here 5) Catch up Dominique’s Baby Book before Baby #3 gets here 6) Finish and Print 2013 Year in Review 7) Finish and Print 2015 Year in Review 8) Finish and Print 2016 Year in Review 9) Finish and Print 2017 Year in Review 10) Finish and Print 2018 Year in Review ...

Currently 9/52

Reading The Orphan Train, along with daily reading to Violet for her School Home Reading Program. Trying to organize all my Pinterest boards. I've gone through almost all of them, save for the. If board of food that I have to go through. But it's nice seeing it all tidied up with stuff that I'll most likely use. Knitting the Mario Kart square for Violet's blanket. She chose to have the video game Geek-Along blanket, and she's very excited that I started to work on hers. I haven't forgotten about my Geek-Along blanket (the 2017 version), but I'm being picky about which squares go on mine, and I have to wait for new ones to be released. Loving that our Ultrasound appointment is today and we get to see the little one! Before anyone asks, no, we're not finding out. Hating that I decided to cut out chocolate and soda pop. I've been having Pepsi cravings almost daily, but I've been good and reaching for my water bottle (or orange juice) instead. E...

Hello Baby #3!

So I guess I better fill in on a BIG THING that has happened in the last couple months. Hello Baby #3!!! Yup, we're expecting another little one to join us in late June/early July. We found out in November (the same day we bought the van, lol), but had to keep it a secret until our first Pre-Natal appointment in January. After what happened last time, I didn't want a repeat of that again. Thankfully everything is going fine and progressing like it should be. I had quite a bit of nausea for the first couple months, along with morning sickness and food aversions. Now that I can enjoy food again, it's been going good. The girls' are extremely happy that they are getting a baby. The first thing they asked when we told them was "are we getting a brother?" I had to laugh and tell them that we're just going to have to wait and find out when baby is born. I  Other than that, everything is going great. I am getting some pelvic pain, especially when I'm on my fe...

Day in the Life - February 2017

Around Here , I have 2 completely different kids when it comes to waking up. Dominique is already bouncing and asking for food at 6am (you'd think that I don't ever feed that kid!) and Violet who prefers to sleep in and have a slow start to the day. Around Here , it's coffee with a big dose of Irish Creamer and a yogurt to start my day. Around Here , Keith goes to school for his Statistics exam while I get myself dressed and get Violet off to the bus and Dominique watches some Paw Patrol on Netflix. Around Here , my Mom stops by for a quick visit in between clients and Dominique is thrilled. Around Here , I get to cleaning the kitchen and starting to wash all the bedding. Around Here , I prep and freeze the mangos, prep a smoothies for myself and get me and Dominique a morning snack. Around Here , I decide to quickly tackle the food cupboard and organize/clean it up a bit. Looks much better!! Around Here , Keith gets home from his exam and gets ready to go to the gym. Aroun...