Currently 5/52
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Someone got buried in the snow by Daddy. And loved every minute of it.[/caption]
Reading Into Thin Air. I’ve heard really good reviews about this book (and the author in general) and since the movie came out about it, I decided that it was time to read it. Only a couple chapters in right now, and so far loving it.
Playing catch-up on some journaling. Really hate falling behind, especially in the girls’ journals.
Trying to be more careful about the foods that I'm eating. A little less sugar and snacks and more fruit and veggies.
Knitting my double-knit Sonic square for the 2016 GAL Blanket. I've found that getting up with Keith in the morning before he goes to work and then sitting down with my knitting, some tea and a pod cast really helps me with these squares.
Planning to do some more purging next week. My pantry and craft closet really need a good clean-out and re-organization. They’re both a disaster and it’s really been bugging me lately.
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Gosh darn, I love that chubby face. :)[/caption]
Loving how responsible Violet is being lately. She helps clean up messes around the house, is learning how to take care of her Guinea Pig Elsa and even learning how to help me get the backpacks ready for Selah/Pre-School on Tuesdays and Thursdays,
Hating that Dominique has discovered that crayons can colour on other things besides paper. So far I've found crayons on my beige walls, on my bottom cupboards and on my dishwasher. She did almost attempt to colour my new fridge the other day, but then realized that I was glaring at her and it might be best to put the crayon away. Smart girl.
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See what I mean about the 2-year-old colouring on everything??[/caption]
Discovering that waking up with Keith in the morning (most of the time) is really good for me. I get 1-2 hours of quiet to myself, have some tea, do some knitting and listening to some pod casts. By the time the girls wake up, Mom is sane and ready to start the day.
Thinking of how to start storing all of Violet’s artwork from Pre-School and Awana’s this year. I'm trying to think with the end in mind about all her school work until Grade 12. I have several ideas and thankfully Pinterest is super helpful as well.
Feeling a little more awake/rested after staying on my Iron Pills for the past week. It’s amazing the difference that they make with how tired I feel all the time. Now just to remember to keep taking them throughout the weekend…..
Hoping to get some baking done toady after grocery shopping. I haven’t baked in a while and Pinterest has given me some really good ideas.
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I now have a little dishes helper. She even puts the dishes into the drying rack for me![/caption]

Reading Into Thin Air. I’ve heard really good reviews about this book (and the author in general) and since the movie came out about it, I decided that it was time to read it. Only a couple chapters in right now, and so far loving it.
Playing catch-up on some journaling. Really hate falling behind, especially in the girls’ journals.
Trying to be more careful about the foods that I'm eating. A little less sugar and snacks and more fruit and veggies.
Knitting my double-knit Sonic square for the 2016 GAL Blanket. I've found that getting up with Keith in the morning before he goes to work and then sitting down with my knitting, some tea and a pod cast really helps me with these squares.
Planning to do some more purging next week. My pantry and craft closet really need a good clean-out and re-organization. They’re both a disaster and it’s really been bugging me lately.
[caption id="attachment_715" align="alignnone" width="2448"]

Loving how responsible Violet is being lately. She helps clean up messes around the house, is learning how to take care of her Guinea Pig Elsa and even learning how to help me get the backpacks ready for Selah/Pre-School on Tuesdays and Thursdays,
Hating that Dominique has discovered that crayons can colour on other things besides paper. So far I've found crayons on my beige walls, on my bottom cupboards and on my dishwasher. She did almost attempt to colour my new fridge the other day, but then realized that I was glaring at her and it might be best to put the crayon away. Smart girl.
[caption id="attachment_716" align="alignnone" width="3264"]

Discovering that waking up with Keith in the morning (most of the time) is really good for me. I get 1-2 hours of quiet to myself, have some tea, do some knitting and listening to some pod casts. By the time the girls wake up, Mom is sane and ready to start the day.
Thinking of how to start storing all of Violet’s artwork from Pre-School and Awana’s this year. I'm trying to think with the end in mind about all her school work until Grade 12. I have several ideas and thankfully Pinterest is super helpful as well.
Feeling a little more awake/rested after staying on my Iron Pills for the past week. It’s amazing the difference that they make with how tired I feel all the time. Now just to remember to keep taking them throughout the weekend…..
Hoping to get some baking done toady after grocery shopping. I haven’t baked in a while and Pinterest has given me some really good ideas.
[caption id="attachment_717" align="alignnone" width="3264"]

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