Around Here

Reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
Playing Ingress with Keith on the iPhone.
Watching 7th season of House M.D. I can only watch during nap time or in the evening, and then it’s only 1-2 episodes at a time.
Trying No-Bake Energy Bites. Yummy!
Cooking more new recipes
Eating/Snacking all the time. It takes a lot to breastfeed around the clock!
Drinking whatever I can get my hands on, but trying to make it more water.
Scrapping last week’s PL layout
Doing lots of catch-up journaling
Going to a couple parties this weekend (bridal shower, birthday party)
Loving that Dominique is getting more aware of everything.
Hating the tantrums from Violet. 2-year-olds I tell you.
Enjoying the quiet time I get with Keith when we can get it.
Thinking of doing some serious de-cluttering/purging
Hoping (for) Keith to get a new job soon. It’s much need for both our sanities and stress levels.
Listening (to) Elise Blaha Cripe’s pod casts “Elise Gets Crafty”
Smelling the flowers with Violet.


  1. Lots of catch-up journaling happening over here too!
    Ronnie xo


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