I Will Get Caught Up....

Repeat after me: I will get caught up...I will get caught up...I will get caught up...


I am working on a couple back-logged posts right now as all the kids are sleeping. I'm baby-sitting my 4-year-old nephew and 3-year-old niece and since it's nap-time, they are attempting to sleep in our bed. I'm hoping that works out and that they do sleep. V is sleeping away in her room, so there's no worries there and Jasmine (the dog) is currently lounging in the living room with no one bugging her.

I guess part of the reason for me being behind in blogging is the amount of photos I have. It was Pioneer Days in town over the Long Weekend, so it comes complete with a parade (over 100 photos there) and a Horse Fun Show on Monday (almost another 100 photos there as well). Currently uploading everything to Photobucket and then will post here.


Never mind trying to get the grocery list/menu for the next two weeks done, get stuff ready for supper, remember to take the dog out every hour, and have the house clean for when Keith gets home from work. Oh, and try to catch up on Bible Devotions as I'm about 2 months behind.

And again...
I will get caught up...
I will get caught up...
I will get caught up...
