Dear Violet // 10 Months

You are 10 months old today Silly Goose!! You come in at 21lbs and 28 inches long.
You are always full of smiles and giggles these days and in general just a happy baby. And you’ve been busy lately figuring out how to do things. You learned how to clap, which you are very proud of because everytime you clap for Mommy, you have a huge smile and giggle. You also like to do the “Tarzan” and do belly drums on yourself while you laugh crazily.
You also figured out how to walk forwards in your walker! And since you figured out how to do this, you like to aim for Mommy’s feet, try to run over the dog, open up the garbage can (and pinch your fingers in there), try to open up the bottom cupboards, and pull things out of the recycle bin. And the entire time that you’re zooming around the kitchen, you are “talking” constantly. You also figured out how to get out of the kitchen in the walker, which scares Mommy a bit, because that means that Mommy’s house is no longer safe!!
You’re also sitting up all by yourself, but haven’t quite figured out the scooting on the bum yet, although some days you try. You also love petting your puppy Jasmine and love to pull her ears and her tail. Mommy can tell that your puppy loves you very much because when you have diaper changes, she sits in the doorway, watching you. She even watches you when you are in the bathtub and is very careful around you when she is playing.
