Hospital Day 3

I can say that I’m not a big fan of this pumping thing. After about the 3rd time pumping milk for V during the night, the nurse had a better idea. She had brought along a nipple shield because she thought that maybe the problem was that the nipple wasn’t going far back enough in her mouth for her to latch onto properly and that we should give that a try. She had also brought in some infant formula because she was down to 6 lbs 11 oz and they wanted to get some weight on her, so she said that once she was done feeding, to give her up to 10 ml of the infant formula and hopefully that would help. I was just hoping that we’d be able to get some weight back on her as I was still feeling quite crappy about how much she had lost and just praying that my supply would come in soon so that I could feed her properly.

Luckily after a couple tries with the nipple shield, she starting latching on and feeding properly. Literally once she figured it out, our feedings went from 20 minutes of fussing to almost an hour of feeding because my supply had finally come in and she was gulping it down like crazy.

Once we started getting a hang of this, everything started going a whole lot smoother and faster. And the bonus part was that we didn’t get a whole lot of visitors today, so we were able to relax and spend some family time together


  1. Hey Jen,

    glad to see despite a few minor complications, everything ended up going well for you and Keith was a good hubby and daddy!

    Also of course glad to hear that little V is happy and healthy too!

    It wasn't cool what your dad had texted you. I for sure would text rather than call anyone as well and it's not because it's not big news it's because if you phone one person, you have to phone them all and really you just came out of surgery why would you want to be on the phone?! As for Keith he was busy helping you so people are lucky they even got a text!

    Anyway, glad to see you're up and at 'em again with the cleaning and I look forward to reading more.

    Ps I'm totally jealous you get to blog about your little one. I can't because I have to protect her from "he who should not be named" ugh.


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