January 2019 Goals
Happy January!! As noted in a previous post, I'm setting some goals this year and have broken them down into some actionable monthly goals so that I can knock my goals out of the park this year. I'm going to be trying a new format of keeping track of my goals this year, and that is by writing/blogging about them. It seems that if I make them public, it helps me be accountable to do and achieve the goals I'm aiming for. I'm picking a couple different (small) things to work on in each category that will help me obtain my goals that I have. Breaking them down seems to help a lot, especially with my fuzzy-mom-brain-syndrome Health/Fitness Meal prep lunches for 2 weeks Go to the gym 3x a week Hit my step count 5-6x a week Self Care Make-up 2x a week Journal/gratitude 2x a week Bible Devotions 3x a week Creative Finish December Daily 2018 Work on 2018 scrapbook Work on Geek-Along Blanket House Work on (and finish) Declutter Like A Mother (...