Day in the Life - March 15, 2018
6:45am | Woke up around 6:30 to nurse Zach, so I figured I might as well stay up, enjoy a hot cup of coffee and the silence until I have to get the kids up for school.

7:30am | Both girls are awake and eating pancakes for breakfast and getting Zach up for the day.
8:45am | Dominique playing Donkey Kong with Zach watching while we wait for Pre-School.
9:45am | Pre-School and Mom's group this morning.
12pm | Home from Pre-School/Mom's Group and getting some lunch down our throats. He gobbled his up in no time!!
1:40pm | Both kids down for afternoon naps, a nice hot bubble bath taken, and now enjoying the quiet time and working on my knitting.
3:45pm | The middle child is awake and in a surprisingly good mood. Hallelujah!!
4pm | Violet's home from school and brought home her fundraiser gift cards! Yay for grocery shopping!!
4:30pm: Violet's after-school chore is cleaning out her Guinea Pig's cage and vacuuming her room. Thankfully she can do it with minimal supervision.
5pm | Making stir-fry for supper while listening to music on Spotify.
6:30pm | Getting dishes done while the kids play and have their bath time.
7:30pm | The girls are having their snack (Dom's finishing up her supper that she didn't finish eating), while I nurse Zach and get him ready for bed. Then do bedtime prayers with the girls.
8:30pm | All 3 kids are in bed, kitchen is cleaned up, floors are swept and washed (!!!), now just relaxing until Keith gets home by enjoying a hot cup of tea, working on more knitting and having my puppy at my feet.
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