Intentions for the Week - February 19, 2018

Hi there! How was your week? Hope it was more productive than mine was. I had a tooth pulled Monday afternoon and I spent most of the remaining week in pain, so I didn't get much done around the house. The pain only really subsided around Friday, and I was finally able to do some stuff around the house over the weekend, Boo!

As a result, I only got a couple things off my list, which means that they are back on the list for this week.

This Week's Intentions:

  • Go to the gym 3x
  • Continue working on my Geek-Along blanket
  • Work on some scrapbooks
  • Plan out the rest of the week/month in my planner
  • Give the kitchen a good clean-up/scrub
  • Give the bathroom a good scrub
  • Hit my step count 3x
  • Unload all photos off phone
  • Organize January/February photos on computer
  • Work on my journal

Last Week's Intentions:
  • Go to the gym 3x (didn't got at all due to tooth being pulled on Monday).
  • Work on 2017 scrapbook (didn't touch).
  • Continue working on my Geek-Along blanket
  • Deep clean the kitchen (didn't touch).
  • Deep clean the bathroom (didn't touch).
  • Go through recipe books for recipes we use (didn't touch).
  • Finish the kids' valentines
  • Make Valentine's snack for Violet's class
  • Make Valentine's snack for Zachary's nursery class at Pre-School
  • Costco shopping trip
  • Hit my step count 3x (hit one day, was so close 2 other days).
  • Clean out/organize the small storage closet (didn't touch).
  • Catch up on my journal (didn't touch).
  • Go to the dentist
