2018 Goals:

1) Start taking better care of myself: fitness, food, sleep:
I feel like this one is almost a no-brainier, but I also feel the need to put it on the list. My self-care has been pretty non-existent since having the kids, and I really need to change that. 
I did join the gym in November, and it's been really good for my brain to check out of Mommy-mode for about an hour 3 times a week. Right now I'm just focusing on getting strength back and toning up, not worrying about any weight loss or gain, as I'm still currently nursing Zach and I need to make sure that I'm eating enough for the both of us right now and not worrying about calorie counting.
Speaking of food, that is also another part of my self-care that has lacked recently. I need to start being more conscious of what kind of food I'm eating and try to limit my junk intake.
My sleep is also a big part of my self-care that has taken a hit. At this point, I place all the blame on nursing Zach at night as to why I'm not getting decent sleep, as he's up 2-3 time a night for nursing. I'm hoping that once I have him weaned on April, that I'll be able to make sleep more of a priority.

2) Read 10 books this year:
My reading took a serious back-seat this year, especially after having Zach and getting Ruby (our Boxer puppy). I found an interesting list on Pinterest of books to read that I'm going to comb through and start making time for a book again.

3) Finish knitting one Geek-Along blanket: 
O M G O S H people. I've been working on a Geek-Along blanket since 2015, and still have yet to complete one. I did have a blanket done, but I had so many squares that didn't match up, that it was almost impossible to put together that I had to trash the entire thing (it hurt so bad 😭) and start from the beginning. Once I figured out my problem (keeping the weight of the yarn the same and keeping an eye on the tension), it's been easier. Now to finish up enough squares to make a blanket.

4) Drink more water: 
This kind of goes with #1, bit is its own at the same time. I really need to start drinking more water instead of tea/coffee/pop.

5) Start getting up with the alarm, minimize the snooze button:
This is one I need to work on more as well. I was doing pretty good before Zach was born, but then it went completely out the window. I am trying to get up at least 30 minutes before the kids do to enjoy some hot coffee and have some quiet to myself before the busyness starts. 

6) Quit the bad habit: nail biting:
This one is the big bad habit that I've had since I was a kid. I'm not sure how it started, but it's gotten to the point that I'm just embarrassed by it now. Time to be done with this one for good.

7) Have a wardrobe that fits me properly (and makes me feel good about myself).
Since having Zach, I'm about 15-20 lbs lighter than I was before I got pregnant with him (and I've dropped 40lbs in total since having him) 😳. Which also means that very few of my clothes fit me properly anymore. My jeans were all too big everywhere and I looked like I was starting to drown in some of my shirts. I have remedied that situation a bit by buying some jeans that fit properly, but I really want to focus on clothes that make me feel good about myself, instead of my usual t-shirt and jeans that I go for all the time.

8) Limit the sugary drink intake: 
This kind of goes with #1, but also deserves it own entry. It really needs to go. End of story.

9) Try to have a productive garden:
Last year was an epic fail in my garden for various reasons. It got really hot for a couple weeks on end, we didn't water it enough and I could get in the garden for almost 2 months because of my C-Section for Zach. We got some tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries and beans, but not enough to can and preserve. I really want to change that this year and put more work into my garden so that I can feed my family.

10) Enjoy my family:
Self-explanatory, right?
