Intentions for the Week - August 28, 2017
Hi there!
So it seems that with me posting my weekly intentions, I can actually get my butt in gear and get some stuff done around the house. Granted, I am nursing Zach full time (and he's going through a growth spurt), taking care of the other 2 girls until school starts next week and trying to housebreak a puppy. Whew!
My list for this week looks long (doesn't it always?!) but I can get a couple things done while I nurse Zach (thank-you cell phone technology!) and the others I can get done during quiet time in the afternoons.
This Week's Intentions:
Last week's Intentions:
So it seems that with me posting my weekly intentions, I can actually get my butt in gear and get some stuff done around the house. Granted, I am nursing Zach full time (and he's going through a growth spurt), taking care of the other 2 girls until school starts next week and trying to housebreak a puppy. Whew!
My list for this week looks long (doesn't it always?!) but I can get a couple things done while I nurse Zach (thank-you cell phone technology!) and the others I can get done during quiet time in the afternoons.
This Week's Intentions:
- Organize food /baking cupboards
- Organize plate/bowl/cup cupboards
- Go through all Kitchen dishes
- Get another 10 rows done on my current Geek-Along square
- Work on puppy potty training
- Go through 1 cookbook and copy favorite (or ones I want to try) recipes and then donate cookbook
- Get all Violet's school stuff ready (buy shoes, double check backpack and lunch bag)
- Continue getting Violet on her school schedule
- Finish July journal
- Catch up on August journal
- Start organizing small storage closet
- Find ways to file all paperwork
- Go through all warranties/instructions and file away properly
- Figure out a morning routine for myself (devotions, journal, self-care)
Last week's Intentions:
Clean inside fridgeClean outside fridgeOrganize small freezer- Organize food /baking cupboards (did some, need to finish)
- Organize plate/bowl/cup cupboards (didn't touch at all)
- Go through all Kitchen dishes (didn't touch at all)
Go through 1 cookbook and copy favorite (or ones I want to try) recipes and then donate cookbook- Get another 10 rows done on my current Geek-Along square (I might have gotten 1 row done this week. Womp womp womp)
Start figuring out Violet's lunches for Grade 1(thank you Pinterest!)Work more on potty training the puppy(this will be a constant work in progress for a while)
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