Intentions for the Week - August 22, 2017
Hi there!
I'm deciding to start up a new small series on Mondays that have some of my big "to-do" list items for the week. I've seen this done on a number of different blogs (most notably on Shutterbean) and figured it might help me get back into my blogging again.
It might also motive my lazy butt into getting stuff done, seeing as I'm writing it down for other people to see and hold me accountable to it.
So without further ado, here's my big list items for this week.
I'm deciding to start up a new small series on Mondays that have some of my big "to-do" list items for the week. I've seen this done on a number of different blogs (most notably on Shutterbean) and figured it might help me get back into my blogging again.
It might also motive my lazy butt into getting stuff done, seeing as I'm writing it down for other people to see and hold me accountable to it.
So without further ado, here's my big list items for this week.
- Clean inside fridge
- Clean outside fridge
- Organize small freezer
- Organize food /baking cupboards
- Organize plate/bowl/cup cupboards
- Go through all Kitchen dishes
- Go through 1 cookbook and copy favorite (or ones I want to try) recipes and then donate cookbook
- Get another 10 rows done on my current Geek-Along square
- Start figuring out Violet's lunches for Grade 1
- Work more on potty training the puppy
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