
Showing posts from August, 2017

Intentions for the Week - August 28, 2017

Hi there! So it seems that with me posting my weekly intentions, I can actually get my butt in gear and get some stuff done around the house. Granted, I am nursing Zach full time (and he's going through a growth spurt), taking care of the other 2 girls until school starts next week and trying to housebreak a puppy. Whew! My list for this week looks long (doesn't it always?!) but I can get a couple things done while I nurse Zach (thank-you cell phone technology!) and the others I can get done during quiet time in the afternoons. This Week's Intentions: Organize food /baking cupboards Organize plate/bowl/cup cupboards Go through all Kitchen dishes Get another 10 rows done on my current Geek-Along square Work on puppy potty training Go through 1 cookbook and copy favorite (or ones I want to try) recipes and then donate cookbook Get all Violet's school stuff ready (buy shoes, double check backpack and lunch bag) Continue getting Violet on her school schedule...

Intentions for the Week - August 22, 2017

Hi there! I'm deciding to start up a new small series on Mondays that have some of my big "to-do" list items for the week. I've seen this done on a number of different blogs (most notably on Shutterbean ) and figured it might help me get back into my blogging again. It might also motive my lazy butt into getting stuff done, seeing as I'm writing it down for other people to see and hold me accountable to it. So without further ado, here's my big list items for this week. Clean inside fridge Clean outside fridge Organize small freezer Organize food /baking cupboards Organize plate/bowl/cup cupboards Go through all Kitchen dishes Go through 1 cookbook and copy favorite (or ones I want to try) recipes and then donate cookbook Get another 10 rows done on my current Geek-Along square Start figuring out Violet's lunches for Grade 1 Work more on potty training the puppy

Dear Zachary | Month 1

Dear Zach, This first month has flown by so fast. It feels like I just blinked and all of a suddenly the month has gone by. You've added to and have completed this family in ways I can't explain. You're so loved by your big sisters and everyone in our extended families. I love your little quirks right now, even though sometimes they're frustrating. Like the fact that you won't nurse if you have a dirty bum. And that you need to be wrapped up tightly (arms in!) to fall asleep. And, sometimes, you hate your soother to the point of spitting it out and then falling asleep right away. You also love snuggling with Mommy (and sometimes Daddy) in the big bed in the mornings, wrapped up in our arms.  You are such a content baby that as long as you're fed and changed, you're happy to be held or to sit in your bouncy chair while Mommy does stuff around the house and you keep an eye on her. You're not much of a crier or screamer (unless you're hungry or dirty), ...