Most days I'm up around 6am during the weekdays. Keith usually goes to the gym first thing in the morning, so I try to make sure that I have some quiet time to myself before the chaos starts for the day. Most days I grab a fresh cup of coffee (with a healthy dose of Irish Creamer), sit down on the couch and work on some knitting in quiet.

Some days Violet is the first kid up. She usually comes to find me and get some morning snuggles in before getting breakfast.

This morning I spent some time looking on Pinterest for cupcake ideas for Dominique's birthday party on Friday. Sigh. So many choices.

Some days we get everything done really early so it gives the girls a chance to play around for a bit before Violet has to leave for the bus.

Most days I struggle to drink enough water. I really don't like plain water, so I've been putting frozen strawberries in there to give it a bit of flavour. Seems to be working!

Some days there are quite a few bags by the door for morning errands. This morning is Violet's backpack, my purse, books to drop off at the Library and clothes to drop off at the local thrift store.

Most days I walk Violet across the street to the bus stop. It's literally across the street and not even 100 feet away. Love it.

Some days (when I have long doctor appointments), Dominique goes to my best friends place (whose little girl happens to be best friends with Dominique). I usually bring TimBits for the kids and coffee for my friend. It's a good payment system.

Some days I get extremely ticked off with our Health Care system. I had gone to the clinic to get my Glucose testing done (28 weeks pregnant) and was told that I needed to fast for 2 hours before, take the drink and then wait another hour. Umm....don't think so. I don't have 3-4 hours to kill this morning. So screw it.

Some days I run to the grocery store in the morning to pick up some stuff that we need. Finding fruit on sale is always a bonus.
Most days I let Dominique pick a movie for the morning so that I can get some work done. This morning's movie choice was Sleeping Beauty so that I could finish uploading all my photos and finish up my blog post for yesterday.

Most days Violet chooses what's for lunch. She always grabs some leftovers from the fridge and some fruit as well.

Some days cleaning the Guinea Pig cage goes according to plan. Other days not so much. Today there was food spilled on the ground and a bitten finger (Elsa thought Dominique's finger was a carrot 😂)

Some days everyone goes down for a nap. Today found Dominique in her bed, Violet on the couch and me in my bed. Not enough sleep last night was making Mommy something something.

Most days I find Violet playing Minecraft if she's not sleeping during Quiet Time. ❤️

Most days I try to keep on top of my dishes, but I let them get away from me this morning. So I do a quick round to get them done before supper.

Some days I remember to work with Violet on memorizing her Bible verses for Awana's. She's having difficulty memorizing the books of the New Testament and she won't finish the book by the end of Awana's.

Most days (99%of them) I'm the one who makes supper. Tonight's supper of choice is chicken fettuccine with asparagus. Yummy!

Most days I have to toss Dominique into the tub. She's notorious for getting messy at supper, and because it gets in her hair, I find it easier to give her a bath rather than just wiping her down.

Most days I'm back to washing the supper dishes after we're done eating. Trying to keep my kitchen under control.

Most days Keith relaxes on his computer before delving into college homework. He's got exams starting on Friday and it's taking up a lot of brain space.

Most Wednesdays Violet has Awana's. She loves interacting with the other kids and memorizing her verses.

Some days I go for walks while Keith has Dominique and Violet's in Awana's. Today's walk was almost 2.5 miles and it felt so good to be outside in the fresh air and not worry about the kids.
Most evenings I put the girls to bed before relaxing myself.

Most evenings I make me and Keith each a cup of tea and make myself a snack of grapes and strawberries while we relax. He works on building Violet a house in Minecraft and I update my journaling for today.
Day By The Numbers:Hours slept: 6hr 20min
Fitbit Steps: 10,680
Cups of coffee/tea drank: 1
Cups of water drank: 2
Loads of dishes: 1
Loads of laundry: 0
Uploads to Instagram: 7
Texts sent: 9
Meals in: 3
Meals out: 0
Weather: 13*/3*
Photos before edit: 109
Photos after edit: 45
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