Week in the Life 2017 in the Album
I finished up my 2017 Week in the Life album about a week after the project ended, but I haven't posted my finished layouts on here.
A couple things I found out this time around:
1) I really need to think ahead a couple weeks (or even a month) and figure out what shots I really want to get, journaling prompts, etc. and write them all down. I found out as I was going through my photos at the end of the week that I had no family shots and very few of Keith. Which really sucks. Any photo that I was in was taken either with the self-timer or selfie-mode. And that sucks.
2) I should really save up some money and buy the digital kit for next year. Ever since I had to wipe my old laptop (and forgot to save all my digital stuff), and then got the new laptop, I've been struggling with digital embellishments. And for some reason, I never get around to buying the digital kit for the year. Making it a scrapbooking priority.
3) I really need a creative push to get me out of the rut that I'm in right now. I realized that a lot of my photos (and days) look a lot a like, but that's the stay-at-home-Mom right now. Maybe next year I'll attempt to do this project in the physical form.
Anyways, I did all my layouts in the Project Life app, and just kept it easy/simple this year.

Thanks for reading!
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