
Showing posts from December, 2016

December Daily 2016 - Days 22 + 23

Finally able to sit down and complete my December Daily pages! I originally thought that I didn't have a story for the 22nd, but when I got home, I got a nice surprise from Keith and the girls. [caption id="attachment_2556" align="alignnone" width="1379"] Journal card from the Seasonal Snapshot Edition on the Project Life App[/caption] We started our Christmas gatherings on the 23rd, starting with my Mom. We had a pretty laid back supper of pizza and chicken, let the kids play around and opened gifts.   [caption id="attachment_2567" align="alignnone" width="1379"] Filler cards from  Seasonal Snapshot Edition and journal card from  Hello December 2015 Edition on the Project Life App.  [/caption] Because I had so many photos from this evening, I made two 4x6 collages and put them together in the Project Life App. Days 24 + 25 will be up shortly!

December Daily 2016 - Day 24

Christmas Eve! And man, today was busy. I worked from 5am-1pm (and work was insane all day long!), and got home just in time to clean up a bit before Keith's Mom & Step-Dad stopped by for a quick visit before Keith went to work and I took the girls' to my Dad's place. Whew! Because I had a lot of photos, I made today into a 2-page spread, which worked really well. I took my favorite photo of Dominique outside with the barn cats, editied it in PicTapGo (my go to for easy photo editing), enlarged it to a 6x8, added some word art from Ali Edwards and called it good. And I love how it turned out. [caption id="attachment_2568" align="alignnone" width="1380"] Word art is from Hello Winter from Ali Edwards[/caption] For the second page, I took my 3 favorite photos (didn't want it looking too cluttered), added a journal card and called it a day. [caption id="attachment_2569" align="alignnone" width="1379"] Journ...

December Daily 2016 - Days 20 + 21

Oh man, today was busy. We had Violet's Kindergarten Christmas Concert, where she did awesome! She did all her songs and poems with the rest of the school and behaved herself nicely. We also had my nephew's 4th birthday party in the evening, which was followed by my weekly Girls' Night with my best friends. [caption id="attachment_2564" align="alignnone" width="1380"] The journal card is from  Oh What Fun Christmas Value Kit in the Project Life App.[/caption] On Wednesday, me and Keith enjoyed a quiet evening together after the girls' went to bed. Food and an episode of White Rabbit Project on Netflix. [caption id="attachment_2555" align="alignnone" width="1379"] Both cards are from the  Oh What Fun Christmas Value Kit in the Project Life App.[/caption]    

December Daily 2016 - Day 19

Phew! Finally getting this album done and blogged about! I really had nothing for today's story. I had some ideas floating around, but when I sat down, they all disappeared. Lol So I chose to do a really simple page for today. I chose my favorite word art, and used it to make a page. I used the digital word art from Ali Edwards   Christmas Star and  Heart Happy . I love the way it came together and how simple it looks.

December Daily 2016 - Day 18

Today's December Daily story is brought to you by my Mom's birthday and putting up her tree. [caption id="attachment_2515" align="alignnone" width="1379"] Filler and journal cards are from Hello December Kit on the Project Life App. [/caption] It's a yearly tradition that every year on my Mom's birthday, we all get together to celebrate and then help set-up and decorate the tree. This year my Mom and sister supervised, while the 2 big girls' decorated. And they had a blast.

December Daily 2016 - Day 17

Hello there and welcome to Day 17 of December Daily. Today's photo is pretty simple. I was able to go to church this evening and enjoy the Christmas songs and message and took a photo of the stage, just as it was. I put the date on there for reference, but just left it otherwise.

December Daily 2016 - Day 16

Welcome here! I'm participating in the December Daily project, put on by the wonderful Ali Edwards. I fell a little bit behind with getting sick and Christmas preparations. But I'm back to creating my pages and posting them here for display. Today's story is of the Christmas hamper that my Mom signed us up for. I'm always surprised at how much they give, and always feel very blessed. For this page in the Project Life app, I used the card from the Oh What Fun Christmas Value Kit and just did my jouraling on there. Really liked how it turned out.

December Daily 2016: Days 11-15

Hey there! Sorry about the lack of updates. I've been a bit busy around here, although I have been keeping up in making my December Daily pages. Without much further explanation, here's Days 11-15 Day 11 is our annual Christmas card. I went really simple this year and kind of like how it turned out. Day 12 was all about making the Gingerbread houses. Violet did all her own decorating, while I did all of Dominique's house. Day 13 was the story of finding Dominique sleeping on the couch in the morning. Day 14 was watching Violet make Christmas cards for her Grandparents Day 15 is all about Dominique snuggling with Daddy.

December Daily 2016: Days 8-10

Hi there! Sorry for the lack of posting my December Daily pages. I caught a really bad Strep Throat and Viral Infection last week that kicked my butt for a couple days. All I can say is Thank God for Penicillin. Anyways, because I was sick, those days weren't too eventful, but I did manage to find some stuff to document. Day 8 was a sick day. And I had to work. But one of the ladies on the December Daily o Facebook Group posted a question, asking us to ask Siri (on the iPhone) what she was doing for Christmas. The results were hilarious. So I took some screenshots of the answers that I got and made a page out of it. Day 9 continued the yearly tradition of buying the girls' new ornaments for the Christmas Tree. I picked them up while I was grocery shopping and let the girls' chose which ones they wanted. Violet chose Belle (Beauty and the Beast) and Dominique chose Ariel (The Little Mermaid) Day 10 was my really sick day. I went to work for a couple hours until my boss came ...

December Daily 2016 - Day 7

Welcome to Day 7 of December Daily! Even though I'm battling a sore throat (thankfully not strep), I did manage to get my Christmas tree assembled and decorated this evening! I documented today's activity with 2 pages. I had one photo of the girls' that I knew I wanted to use by itself, and then put some other photos on the next page with the journaling.   I edited all my photos in PicTapGo and used a journaling card from the  Hello December 2015 Kit. I love how it turned out.

December Daily 2016 - Days 5+6

Hey there! Welcome to days 5+6 of December Daily! These 2 days were pretty easy to document, and almost too easy to create! Lol. For Day 5, I used cards from the  Merry & Bright Mini Kit in the Project Life App. This day was a bit difficult to think of something to document, but then I remembered that Keith had sent me out to get coffee (a rare treat, as we usually make it at home), and I got myself a Mocha (3/4 hot chocolate and 1/4 coffee) as a treat for myself. And it helps that the Christmas cups are cute as well. Day 6 was the first snow day of the School Year! Although Violet wasn't too sure what to make of it. We had quite a bit of snow/ice fall during the night and by the early morning, we had a couple inches, which made the roads bad (and in some places, near impassable), never mind that we still had a winter storm watch going on, with high winds. I did the journaling on the photo through the Over App, although I did have to play around a little bit to figure it out i...

December Daily 2016 - Day 4

Welcome to Days 4 of December Daily! I really like that I didn't do any prep work at all. And it also helps that I'm doing this all in the Project Life app, which means that there is very little prep to do, which also means that I can focus more on the stories than the product. I kept the story really simple. I spent Sunday evening wrapping up most of the Christmas gifts, although I did run out of tape, which means that I'll have to finish the rest up on a different day. But I did get the big ones wrapped up and labelled.

December Daily 2016 - Day 3

Phew! I don't think I've done this much blogging for a while! Today's story is about the Church service that we went to this evening and the awesome songs and message that was heard. I love that they put up all the Christmas decorations. I love that they're singing the Christmas songs. And I especially love that they change the Christmas message every year to encourage us more on our spiritual walk. The journaling card is from the  Oh What Fun Christmas Value Kit and it was pretty easy to put together.

December Daily 2016 - Day 2

Hi there! Welcome to Day 2 of December Daily! Today was a day that was definitely going into the book. I chopped 10 inches off of my hair (!!), and me and my sister did all of our Christmas shopping this evening (the girls' were at Papa's place and Keith was at home finishing up some projects for college before exam week), so we headed into the city get everything done. Surprisingly, we managed to get all our shopping done, went for supper at my favorite Asian buffet (and now Sam's 2nd favorite place to go) and still managed to get back at a somewhat decent hour. For the journaling card, I used a card from the  Oh What Fun Christmas Value Kit and just gave a brief summary of what happened that day.

December Daily 2016 - Title Page and Day 1

Welcome to the start of December Daily 2016! This project is the brainchild of Ali Edwards and I completely love it. This will be my 5th year doing December Daily and I love it more every year. This year (like the past couple years), I'll be using the Project Life app to document and make my pages. I'm looking to keep everything simple and focus more on the stories as they come. My goal is to be able to quickly put together a page at the end of the day and not worry For my Title Page, I kept it really simple. I used cards from the  O What Fun Christmas Value Kit and Hello December 2015 and just stuck with the year and our names. For Day 1, I started the girls' Advent Calendars. Violet had made a Countdown to Christmas tree at school, so she can put a sticker on every day until Christmas. We also got them the Chocolate Advent Calendars, so they get one piece per day. I swear it's the highlight of their day. The journal card I used is from the  Hello December 2015 Kit. ...

30 Days of Thankful - Wrap Up

Hi there! I finally  finished up my 2016 version of 30 Days of Thankful! As always, I love this project and love that it forced me to look for something to be thankful for everyday, including the hard days. I've posted the last almost 2 weeks of the project below. Enjoy!