Week in Review 2016 - Weeks 21-23

Another couple weeks of my Week in Review pages done! I'm seriously so happy that I decided to go with doing digital pages, because it just makes it so easy for me to do a couple weeks at a time.

These couple weeks were pretty busy ones, so enjoy!

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Week 21: This week marked the end of my Mom's Group and we enjoyed our annual Spring Brunch that we always have. It was also the end of Pre-School for Violet, which meant that she had her first end-of-year concert! We also had an ER trip for Violet, which confirmed a nasty ear infection. Very thankful for anti-biotics. We also tilled up the ground for our garden and had lots of playing outside.

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Week 22: This week included spending some time with Grandparents and Great-Grandparents, planting everything in the garden, going for lots of walks and celebrating my 31 birthday by seeing X-Men: Apocalypse with my sister.

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Week 23: This Week was pretty low key. More garden work, Costco shopping trip, lots of walks and Splash Park and just enjoying some good family time.
