Summer Bucket List 2016 - Final Update
With cooler weather among us now, I think we can declare that Summer is officially over! And with that, also means the end of our 2016 Summer Bucket List.
Unfortunately, there were quite a few things that didn't get done this ear, due to various reasons. But at least we tried and had fun while doing them!
Go to the Zoo: This one didn't get accomplished due to funds.
Draw on the sidewalk:
This we did quite a bit of during the summer, especially if I was mowing the lawn and needed to keep the girls busy and entertained. That little guy though? That's my nephew leaving his artwork on the driveway.
Have a picnic
We just had a picnic this past weekend, at one of the local churches Community BBQ. Of course hot dogs were devoured and lots of playing around on the bouncers.
Have a backyard Sprinkler party with friends: This one we did not accomplish this summer. Boo!
Have a wiener roast: The girls had one at my Dad's place when they spent a night there this summer.
Have a bonfire: Again, the girls had one at my Dad's place this summer.
Watch fireworks: Unfortunately we missed both sets of fireworks this year. We missed the Canada Day fireworks because we were all in bed really early and we missed the Dawson Trail Days because of rain.
Make homemade ice cream: I was going to attempt this one, but then realized that you need an ice cream machine to do so, and didn't have one on hand, nor the funds to purchase one.
Make homemade jam: Not accomplished due to the fact that I froze all my strawberries right after picking them and didn't even think to make jam until a couple weeks later.
Make cookies for someone: I don't have any photos, but we did do this at least once this summer.
Make Popsicles: Nada.
Make s'mores: Nope.
Have a water gun fight: Nope again.
Bake cupcakes: Do Cinnamon Roll Muffins count? I'd say they do!
Go to the Farmer's Market: Does it count if your sister brought you fresh fruit from the Farmer's Market? Yes, yes it does.
Visit a local farm or petting zoo: Zilch.
Play in a sandbox: The girls did quite a bit of this every time we went to my Dad's place.
Make cheerio/fruit loop necklaces: Double nope.
Read 2 books: The Kitchen House (Kathleen Grissom); Didn't get around to reading a 2nd book.
Try 3 new desserts: Chocolate Cream Pie; Didn't try any new desserts this summer.
Reorganize kitchen cabinets: Can I say that I tried, but failed?
Have lots of fun!! Definitely!
Unfortunately, there were quite a few things that didn't get done this ear, due to various reasons. But at least we tried and had fun while doing them!
Go to the Zoo: This one didn't get accomplished due to funds.
Draw on the sidewalk:

This we did quite a bit of during the summer, especially if I was mowing the lawn and needed to keep the girls busy and entertained. That little guy though? That's my nephew leaving his artwork on the driveway.
Have a picnic

We just had a picnic this past weekend, at one of the local churches Community BBQ. Of course hot dogs were devoured and lots of playing around on the bouncers.
Have a backyard Sprinkler party with friends: This one we did not accomplish this summer. Boo!
Have a wiener roast: The girls had one at my Dad's place when they spent a night there this summer.
Have a bonfire: Again, the girls had one at my Dad's place this summer.
Watch fireworks: Unfortunately we missed both sets of fireworks this year. We missed the Canada Day fireworks because we were all in bed really early and we missed the Dawson Trail Days because of rain.
Make homemade ice cream: I was going to attempt this one, but then realized that you need an ice cream machine to do so, and didn't have one on hand, nor the funds to purchase one.
Make homemade jam: Not accomplished due to the fact that I froze all my strawberries right after picking them and didn't even think to make jam until a couple weeks later.
Make cookies for someone: I don't have any photos, but we did do this at least once this summer.
Make Popsicles: Nada.
Make s'mores: Nope.
Have a water gun fight: Nope again.
Bake cupcakes: Do Cinnamon Roll Muffins count? I'd say they do!
Go to the Farmer's Market: Does it count if your sister brought you fresh fruit from the Farmer's Market? Yes, yes it does.
Visit a local farm or petting zoo: Zilch.
Play in a sandbox: The girls did quite a bit of this every time we went to my Dad's place.
Make cheerio/fruit loop necklaces: Double nope.
Read 2 books: The Kitchen House (Kathleen Grissom); Didn't get around to reading a 2nd book.
Try 3 new desserts: Chocolate Cream Pie; Didn't try any new desserts this summer.
Reorganize kitchen cabinets: Can I say that I tried, but failed?
Have lots of fun!! Definitely!
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