
Showing posts from September, 2016

Currently 39/52

Reading nothing this week. I did pick up some books from the Library, but haven’t gotten into them yet. Watching the girls playing together, even peacefully sometimes! Trying to get everything out of the garden before the frost hits. I managed to pull out all my tomato plants Thursday morning while Violet was in school. Just waiting a bit longer on the bell peppers and chives, but I’ll probably pull them within the next week or so. Cooking some good home meals this week. Beef stew (in the slow cooker), lasagna and some good stir-fry are on the menu. Knitting the Harvest Moon square for the Geek-Along Blanket. I think I’ve got 4 more to do before I can start joining them all together. Doing a lot of canning lately. As of today, I’ve done 50 jars of diced tomatoes, 16 jars of salsa (which is Keith’s because it contains his extremely hot peppers that he grew) and going to start doing spaghetti sauce next week. Loving the mornings that I get with just Dominique while Violet is in Ki...

Week in Review 2016 - Weeks 24-26

Hello again! I have to say that it's nice being able to get back into a (somewhat) regular blogging routine. I really missed it over the summer, so now that it's cooler outside and I'm not spending majority of my time at the park, I can get back  into my regular writing and scrapbooking. Enjoy! Week 24:  This week was when I documented Week in the Life. A lot of good little memories and photos to hang on to. Week 25: This week was crazy. Lots of park time, 2 days at Summer in the City and a Garth Brooks Conert Summer in the City: We spent majority of 2 days at the local fair held here in town every June. The girls rode lots of ride and had quite a bit of fun. Garth Brooks Concert:   BEST CONCERT OF MY LIFE!!! Week 26: Pretty laid back week. Lots of time at the park, got Violet started on the original Mario Bros. for the NES and working in the garden.

Week in Review 2016 - Weeks 21-23

Another couple weeks of my Week in Review pages done! I'm seriously so happy that I decided to go with doing digital pages, because it just makes it so easy for me to do a couple weeks at a time. These couple weeks were pretty busy ones, so enjoy! Week 21: This week marked the end of my Mom's Group and we enjoyed our annual Spring Brunch that we always have. It was also the end of Pre-School for Violet, which meant that she had her first end-of-year concert! We also had an ER trip for Violet, which confirmed a nasty ear infection. Very thankful for anti-biotics. We also tilled up the ground for our garden and had lots of playing outside. Week 22:  This week included spending some time with Grandparents and Great-Grandparents, planting everything in the garden, going for lots of walks and celebrating my 31 birthday by seeing X-Men: Apocalypse with my sister. Week 23: This Week was pretty low key. More garden work, Costco shopping trip, lots of walks and Splash Park and just enjo...

Currently 38/52

Attempting my hand at canning. I’ve tomatoes so many tomatoes coming out of the garden, that I have no doubt that I’ll be able to fill my pantry and then some. Thankfully Pinterest has some really good recipes for diced tomatoes, salsa and pasta sauce. I have a feeling I’ll be doing quite a bit of those. Watching some new documentaries on Netflix lately. Wild Europe and Narcos are on the top list right now, along with Mrs. Brown’s Boy’s and DareDevil when I can watch them with Keith. Drinking way too many sugary drinks this week. Knitting the Geek-Along Square for Portal. Almost done! Loving that Violet is loving her Kindergarten class and teacher. It’s been a really smooth transition for all of us, which has been a really big blessing. Discovering some different ways to keep Dominique occupied while Violet’s in school. She’s been enjoying helping me with dishes and canning tomatoes lately, along with just getting some good quality snuggles all to herself. Feeling a little blah ...

Summer Bucket List 2016 - Final Update

With cooler weather among us now, I think we can declare that Summer is officially over! And with that, also means the end of our 2016 Summer Bucket List. Unfortunately, there were quite a few things that didn't get done this ear, due to various reasons. But at least we tried and had fun while doing them! Go to the Zoo: This one didn't get accomplished due to funds. Draw on the sidewalk: This we did quite a bit of during the summer, especially if I was mowing the lawn and needed to keep the girls busy and entertained. That little guy though? That's my nephew leaving his artwork on the driveway. Have a picnic We just had a picnic this past weekend, at one of the local churches Community BBQ. Of course hot dogs were devoured and lots of playing around on the bouncers. Have a backyard Sprinkler party with friends: This one we did not accomplish this summer. Boo! Have a wiener roast: The girls had one at my Dad's place when they spent a night there this summer. Have a bonfi...