Currently 8/52

Playing Plants vs. Zombies 2 on my phone. The kids love it.
Watching more documentaries on Netflix during afternoon quiet time. Been really trying to get back to watching more shows for myself.
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Cooking more recipes from Pinterest this week.
Drinking more water this week, although I really do want a nice big glass of Pepsi right now…..
Knitting the double-knit of the Triforce, even though it’s from the 2014 blanket. I didn't know/like this week, so I opted for something different.
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Loving that I get to take Violet to go see Disney On Ice this evening. She doesn't know yet and I'm letting her dress up when we go!
Hating that Dominique is getting so independent with everything! Stop growing up so fast baby girl!
Discovering/Loving that my husband knows me better than I do myself some days. He knew not to get me flowers for Valentine’s Day, but came home on Tuesday with Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin for supper and Salmon Sushi for me. Who need flowers when he brings me food?!
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Enjoying the bits and pieces of quiet that I get around the house some days.
Thinking that we've hit our limit on kids. I'm feeling content with just having 2 girls and I think that’s where it will end. No baby fever, no wanting to be pregnant. Just content.
Feeling all the feels when it comes to registering Violet for Kindergarten. Really?
s square, so I opted for something different.
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