Currently 6/52

Trying not to get too anxious about this coming September. I just registered Violet for Kindergarten and my worry/anxiety has gone up a bit.
Baking some pizza buns and cookies this weekend. I'm out of both and that’s almost unheard of in this house.
Knitting Sonic (still). I'm about ¾ done, but haven’t really had a lot of down time these last 2 weeks, but I'm hoping to get it down this weekend.

Loving that my Grandparents finally agreed to move. They’re in their 80’s and still living by themselves. With both of them dealing with health issues, they realized that it would be best to move into town where help and medical care are closer. And they’ll only be a couple blocks away from us know instead of a 20 minute drive!
Hating that I haven’t cleaned out my pantry and craft closet yet. No motivation to do that this past week. Crossing my fingers that I’ll at least get one done on Monday.
Discovering that Violet loves doing colour-by-numbers. She got one for Christmas and found it the other day and has been colouring it almost daily. Luckily the colour chart also shows the colours that go along with the numbers, so it’s been easy for her to get the hang of.
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