Around Here

Reading The Fault in Our Stars. I just started it after reading all the reviews about it. Don’t worry, I have a Kleenex box close by.
Playing with Violet and Dominique as much as I can.
Watching 6th season of House and 3rd season of Sherlock.
Trying to get more sleep.
Cooking more new meals so that I can stop relying on the old ones.
Eating unbaked chocolate cookies.
Drinking a Pepsi slurpee
Scrapping 2014 PL and my Travel PL.
Doing whatever I can to retain my sanity some days, even if that means indulging in slurpees and chocolate when I shouldn’t.
Loving all the noises that Dom makes, even if they do keep me up at night.
Hating that my girls are growing up so fast, right before my eyes.
(Re)Discovering that the newborn baby smell has amazing relaxing qualities.
Enjoying quiet time in the evenings to do journaling, scrap booking and spending time with Keith.
Thinking of ways to help make our finances more manageable.
Feeling pretty good, but still tired.
Hoping (for) the warm weather to continue, and maybe a couple trips to the beach.
Listening (to) Violet talking non-stop. And Dom’s baby noises.
Smelling fresh baked chocolate chip cookies cooling down.
Thanking my hubby for being such an awesome husband and Father. Me and the girls are so lucky to have him.
Considering of still renting out the basement. It helps a lot with the finances, even if it means that the 4 of us will be squished together on 1 floor.
