Thankful Thursday
Thankful Thursday, Nov 29: 1) I know I've been saying this every week, but I am really thankful for V. She is growing in leaps and bounds and exploring everything right now. Even on her cranky and miserable days (you would be to if you were teething and there is no more soother), she still brings joy to my day. And I always want to be thankful for that. 2) Keith: that man, is man :). He take care of us in every way possible and then some. 3) Winter: as much as I hate the cold, it's also a nice break from the heat during the summer. It means building snow forts with the niece and nephew, seeing V play in the snow for the first time, and CHRISTMAS!!!! 4) Friends: after a couple things hit the fan with a "friend" on FaceBook, I'm grateful for the girls that I can call as real friends. The ones (you know who you are) that I can share my highs and lows, the joys and triumphs, and the giggles of being a Mom and Wife at the same time. And they share those mom...