Around Here

The inspiration for this post is found here:

Watching V eat. I gave her slices of banana as snack after lunch. She's having fun making a mess and shoving them in her mouth :)

Listening to V talk, scream, cry. Any sounds she makes is just amazing. But I like it better when she's "talking."

Appreciating my hubby and the countless ways he spoils me :) Like renting movies for me, making me supper, giving me a massage...the list is endless. And I always appreciate it.

Dreading going back to work beginning of October, even if it is only on the weekends. How did 1 year on Maternity Leave pass so fast??

Trying to Baby-Proof the house...and failing.

Listening to my iTunes while I journal. :)

Helping V as she tries to learn how to walk. :)

Enjoying the Fall colours around here. The kids and dogs enjoy it too :)

Waiting eagerly for a long-waited Trail Ride with the horses and family in Sandilands on Sunday. Please behave weather gods. It's my last free weekend before going back to work and I'd like to enjoy it to the fullest :)

Loving watching Full Metal Alchemist on Netflix. Good anime :)

Enjoying  snuggles with my baby girl.
