Dear Violet // 9 Months

You’re 9 months old this month!! Can’t believe how fast the time has flown by!! You weigh in at 20lbs and is around 27 inches long.
You started sitting up all on your own now and you’re very proud of that! And to reach your toys, you've been stretching as far as you can (sometimes even kissing your toes) in order to get the toy you wanted. You also love playing in your exer-saucer, playing with the toys that are on there, spinning around and watching the traffic outside the big picture window.
You also love to squeal whenever you can, lately being when you see your puppy. And you also love to give Daddy lots of giggles when he tickles you. You also love your walker that Mommy has in the kitchen. You've mastered the going backwards, but not forwards yet, although you are trying.
This month also marks when Mommy started weaning you onto 3% milk instead of the good ol’ “boob juice.” You’re not doing too bad with the weaning, although you did scream at Mom the first couple times you went down for your nap without nursing. But you’re a tough cookie. You’re still “talking” lots and making all the noise that you can, including shrieking.
Overall, you are just a happy baby. And that’s all that matters.
