March 2020 Photos

Oh my word March. Half the month was good, while the last half was an utter shit show of chaos and uncertainty. And it's only going to continue to go down hill from here for a while. Here in Manitoba, we got put under State of Emergency on March 20, which means no school, no parks, and all non-essential businesses close down on April 1. Thankfully, Keith works at an essential business (yay taxes!), but he can't work at home due to no office, and 3 kids running around all day long, so he's still going to his office as long as he's able. Anyway........ Enjoy some March photos. Dominique was helping me do some baking. Violet and her recorder at school before everything shut down. Violet had to get a baby tooth pulled that was blocking an adult molar from coming in properly. Starting to get some form back after being off for over a month due to surgery. My little sweater stealer. Just like Mama. Had a family date in the city ...