Day in the Life | March 5, 2020
Day in the Life
Waking up at 5:30am with Keith. He goes off to the gym while I curl up on the couch with my knitting and a hot cup of coffee.
Getting kids up for the morning.
Making breakfast for me, Violet and Zach. Dominique opted for Lucky Charms this morning.
Prepping myself for the day. A quick shower, hair, and make-up to get me going for the day.
Sending kids off to school. I love that they can walk to the bus stop by themselves.
Cleaning up the kitchen and getting the slow cooker ready for supper.
Getting me and Zach off to Selah/Mom's Group. He stayed in his underwear the whole time and had no accidents!
Shopping for groceries this morning. Got everything on my list!
Appreciating a random stranger offering to snowblow my driveway. Yay!
Sitting down with my knitting and Imagineering on Disney+ and then having a 20 minute nap on the couch.
Loving that the girls are home from school.
Talking with my best friend on the phone. We haven't seen each other for a couple weeks because of illness, so it was really nice to hear her voice.
Eating Root Beer Pulled Pork for supper.
Trying to watch a webinar. Didn't work out so well.
Loving that Dominique was helping with unloading the dishwasher after supper.
Going to the gym when Keith got home from work. I've missed the last couple days, so this felt really good.
2020 Day in the Life Posts:
February 27, 2020
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