Day in the Life | March 5, 2020

Day in the Life Waking up at 5:30am with Keith. He goes off to the gym while I curl up on the couch with my knitting and a hot cup of coffee. Getting kids up for the morning. Making breakfast for me, Violet and Zach. Dominique opted for Lucky Charms this morning. Prepping myself for the day. A quick shower, hair, and make-up to get me going for the day. Sending kids off to school. I love that they can walk to the bus stop by themselves. Cleaning up the kitchen and getting the slow cooker ready for supper. Getting me and Zach off to Selah/Mom's Group. He stayed in his underwear the whole time and had no accidents! Shopping for groceries this morning. Got everything on my list! Appreciating a random stranger offering to snowblow my driveway. Yay! Sitting down with my knitting and Imagineering on Disney+ and then having a 20 minute nap on the couch. Loving that the girls are home from school. Talking with my bes...