Dear Zachary | 4 months
Dear Zachary,
Happy 4 months handsome man!
You currently weigh 16.5lbs (!!!) Holy cow little guy! I guess you’re not so little anymore. But you’re new nickname of “chubsy wubsy” definitely fits you now. Guess this is what happens when you decide to nurse every 2-3 hours every day. Your appetite has definitely gone up. And it shows.
You love to make noises, especially the new shrieking noises that you found that you could do when you’re really happy, along with all the cooing, babbling and crying you do. My little noisy but happy baby.
You recently found out that you can roll from front to back, but you’re not a big fan of tummy time. Huh. And you only did it for a couple days and then stopped. Guess you found out that you got stuck doing tummy time by rolling over.
You always have a big toothless grin for everyone. And you’re pretty chill about everything. Even the nursery workers at church have commented that all you do during Sunday School or Pre-School is sleep and chill. You’re one of the most relaxed babies that they have and they always compliment you on how relaxed you are when I drop you off.
You are slowly starting to giggle, but as soon as Daddy tries to get a big laugh out of you, you bottle it all in and will turn red in the face and refuse to give Daddy a laugh. One of these days little man…..
We’ve also found that the best way to get you to sleep really good is by putting you in the car seat and going for a drive. You have fallen asleep just going to church, which is a 5 minute drive from home! But at least I know that you’ll sleep and not scream a whole lot.
You’ve grown quite a bit in the last couple months, and I can’t wait to see you grow some more.
Happy 4 months handsome man!

You love to make noises, especially the new shrieking noises that you found that you could do when you’re really happy, along with all the cooing, babbling and crying you do. My little noisy but happy baby.
You recently found out that you can roll from front to back, but you’re not a big fan of tummy time. Huh. And you only did it for a couple days and then stopped. Guess you found out that you got stuck doing tummy time by rolling over.
You always have a big toothless grin for everyone. And you’re pretty chill about everything. Even the nursery workers at church have commented that all you do during Sunday School or Pre-School is sleep and chill. You’re one of the most relaxed babies that they have and they always compliment you on how relaxed you are when I drop you off.

We’ve also found that the best way to get you to sleep really good is by putting you in the car seat and going for a drive. You have fallen asleep just going to church, which is a 5 minute drive from home! But at least I know that you’ll sleep and not scream a whole lot.
You’ve grown quite a bit in the last couple months, and I can’t wait to see you grow some more.
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