Intentions for the Week - November 20, 2017
Hello there! I'm pleasantly surprised that I got a lot done last week. Between dealing with a baby who wants to nurse every 2 hours, dealing with three-year-old temper tantrums, helping a six-year-old with her reading and chores and keeping an eye on the wild puppy, sometimes I feel like I didn't get anything done. But I did this week! Yay me! I've got a couple big things on the list this week, so we'll see how far I get in getting everything done. This Week's Intentions: Continue working on kids journals (still really far behind) Finish October journal Continue working on a Geek-Along square Go to the gym 3x Write Christmas letters for out of province family Mail Christmas letters/cards for out of province family Drop off donations Deep clean bathroom Clean/organize shoe entrance Make cookies for cookie swap Make perogies for freezer Make a lasagna for the freezer Organize Lego bins Make homemade chicken broth? Last Week's Intentions...