
Showing posts from November, 2017

Intentions for the Week - November 20, 2017

Hello there! I'm pleasantly surprised that I got a lot done last week. Between dealing with a baby who wants to nurse every 2 hours, dealing with three-year-old temper tantrums, helping a six-year-old with her reading and chores and keeping an eye on the wild puppy, sometimes I feel like I didn't get anything done. But I did this week! Yay me! I've got a couple big things on the list this week, so we'll see how far I get in getting everything done. This Week's Intentions: Continue working on kids journals (still really far behind) Finish October journal Continue working on a Geek-Along square Go to the gym 3x Write Christmas letters for out of province family Mail Christmas letters/cards for out of province family Drop off donations Deep clean bathroom Clean/organize shoe entrance Make cookies for cookie swap Make perogies for freezer Make a lasagna for the freezer Organize Lego bins Make homemade chicken broth? Last Week's Intentions...

Intentions for the Week - November 13, 2017

Hello Monday! And it's been a while. Oops. Seeing as it's a school holiday today, here's the list for the week and hopefully I'll be able to knock off quite a bit! Intentions for this week: Continue working on the kids journals Clean up Zach's room Figure out a daily cleaning schedule Work on October journal Continue working on a Geek-Along square Finish organizing yarn and Geek-Along squares Make the Christmas gift list of who/what to buy Finish organizing October photos Drop off donations Violet meet the teacher conference Go to they gym 3x Switch over all of Zach's clothes to 6+ months Finish writing Zach's 4-month letter Finish September journal

Dear Zachary | 4 months

Dear Zachary, Happy 4 months handsome man! You currently weigh 16.5lbs (!!!) Holy cow little guy! I guess you’re not so little anymore. But you’re new nickname of “chubsy wubsy” definitely fits you now. Guess this is what happens when you decide to nurse every 2-3 hours every day. Your appetite has definitely gone up. And it shows. You love to make noises, especially the new shrieking noises that you found that you could do when you’re really happy, along with all the cooing, babbling and crying you do. My little noisy but happy baby. You recently found out that you can roll from front to back, but you’re not a big fan of tummy time. Huh. And you only did it for a couple days and then stopped. Guess you found out that you got stuck doing tummy time by rolling over. You always have a big toothless grin for everyone. And you’re pretty chill about everything. Even the nursery workers at church have commented that all you do during Sunday School or Pre-School is sleep and chill. You’re one...