101 in 1001 - 3 Month Update

It's been a while since I've posted anything on my current 101 in 1001 list, so I figured that I might as well do a 3-month update before I'm out of commission for a couple weeks once Baby Boy arrives.

If you want to see the original list, here it is. I also have a page that I keep updating when I get stuff done as well.

3 months into this project, and I've completed 16 of those 101 items, with another 16 being worked on. Some of them will take a while to finish (like knitting all the Geek-Along Blankets for everyone) and some need a bit more money to finish off (like printing out all my photo books and paying off the van). But considering that I've been pregnant this entire time, I consider it a pretty good start.

This is my list of completed items that I've gotten done so far:
4) Catch up Violet’s Baby Book before Baby #3 gets here - May 28, 2017
5) Catch up Dominique’s Baby Book before Baby #3 gets here - May 28, 2017: Both of these albums took me about a day in total to finish up. I realized I was missing some journaling and photos in both of them (and they're physical albums), but once I got everything that I needed, it took no time to finish putting them together.
6) Finish 2013 Year in Review - June 19, 2017: This one just required some going through and filling in some blank spots that I had missed. I did think about converting it from a physical album (which is what it is now) over to a digital album, but when I looked at it, I realized that it was going to be quite a bit of work and that I might as well leave it as it is.
23) Complete Travel Album #1: March 29, 2017: This one required a couple photos and some journaling, so it was easy to finish up.
24) Complete Travel Album #2: May 28, 2017: This album was a bit of work. I was missing some photos and journaling from a big trip, as well as an entire small family trip that we took. But now that it's all caught up, it makes me really happy.
32) Create a Memory Box for Violet - June 19, 2017
33) Create a Memory Box for Dominique - June 19, 2017: For these 2, I grabbed some photo boxes from Michael's (they fit cards and small stuff really well), and seeing as I had everything put off to the side and organized, it took no time to put these 2 boxes together.
36) Crossing fingers that Keith passes Year 1 of College: April 29, 2017: Yeah! Now onto Year 2!
44) Organize kids’ schoolwork and have a system in place - June 19, 2017: After scouring Pinterest for some ideas, I realized that the cheapest (and most organized) idea was just to buy a closing accordion file folder (the kind with 24 files in there that can be closed and locked), and just labelled each filed with the year and grade. I knew it would fill up fast, so I told Violet that I'd showcase her really good stuff on the "art wall" and when it came down, I'd pick my favorites and put them in the folder. Seems to be working so far.
59) Get Dominique’s eye’s checked - May 16, 2017: This one I was really glad to be done with. Dom's had eye styes since last September and when we finally got in to see the specialist, they did a full eye examination only to determine that it was a Chronic Inflammation (not infected!!), and her eyesight is 20/20.
64) Try yoga - April 4, 2017: Keith had bought me an Intro to Beginner Yoga series at the local Yoga place. It was nice to be able to try something new, but bending a lot when you're pregnant (and not used to quite a lot of bending), made the little guy quite angry with me. I do have a free pass for another series, so after I'm healed up, I'll start with that and go from there.
68) Plant a garden - May 30, 2017: I was really excited to be able to get the garden in this year. We're trying a couple new plants this year that we didn't do last year, as well as Violet's strawberries, tomatoes and Keith's hot peppers.
69) Have at least 2 weeks worth of meals set-up/ready for when Baby #3 arrives  - June 16, 2017: I was really glad to be able to get this done before Baby Boy arrives. I've been taking 1-2 days a week for the past month and making a couple different meals to throw into the freezer for leading up to and after Baby arrives. Right now I'm around 19 meals in the freezer, and if we don't use any between now and my delivery date (July 7!), we should have almost 3 weeks worth of meals ready to go!
72) Purge out my closet - June 7, 2017: This was much needed on my part. I'm looking into doing a Capsule Wardrobe once I'm done being pregnant, and there was so many clothes in my closet right now that I didn't like or fit before I got pregnant. I ended up donating a big garbage bag full of clothes to the local thrift store and my closet looks a lot cleaner!
73) Purge and organize all the toys: March 21, 2017: This was more of a "we have to move all the toys to the girls room, so we might as well purge at the same time" kind of deal.
74) Purge and organize the kitchen: May 2, 2017: This was done when I did my Spring Cleaning when I official was done work. And my kitchen looked so much nicer and cleaner! Think it's time to do another organization spree before Baby Boy arrives.

And what I'm currently working on:
7) Finish and Print 2015 Year in Review (done, need to print/order)
8) Finish and Print 2016 Year in Review (done, need to print/order)

11) Knit one small Geek-Along Blanket for Violet - working on
12) Knit one small Geek-Along Blanket for Dominique - working on
13) Knit one Geek-Along Blanket for me and Keith - working on
14) Print 2016 December Daily (done, need to order)
19) Complete 2016 Week in the Life and print (done, need to print/order)
20) Complete 2017 Week in the Life and print (done, need to print/order)

25) Make Baby #3 a small Geek blanket - working on
26) Complete pregnancy journals - working on
38) Date Night x10: April 30, 2017
39) Family Date x10: March 31, 2017; May 26, 2017; June 18, 2017;
51) Pay off the van - working on
78) Try 40 new recipes: 1) Sausage Pancake Muffins; 2) One - Skillet Balsamic Chicken & Vegetables ; 3) Scalloped Potatoes; 4) Easy BBQ Chicken; 5) Smoked Sausage Hash; 6)
93) Set up help for when I’m laid up after Baby #3 arrives - working on
95) Read 40 books: 1) The Kitchen House; 2) The Help; 3) The Magic of Motherhood; 4) Pachinko; 5) We Are Called to Rise; 6) The Handmaid's Tale;

I'm hoping to get a couple more done before Baby Boy arrives, but I'll post another update in about 3 months time!
