Currently 2017: 3/52

Reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. I picked up The Cursed Child during the summer and re-committed myself to reading through the original books before tackling the new one.
Watching The Crown on Netflix. I love historical dramas and really love how they tackled this one.
Trying to start getting active again. I've been really lazy/non-motivated since the snow started, and with being pregnant again, I'd like to make sure that I'm doing something active a couple times a week, like going for a walk or doing some yoga/stretching.
Cooking a little less these days. Keith is trying a new diet, which means that he can't have a lot of the food that I make. Which also means that there's a lot of leftovers to eat.
Knitting all the squares from my 2016 Geek-Along Blanket together. It's a bit tedious, but I'm hoping to be done it soon.
Loving that Violet seems to be making some good progress in her Speech Therapy and she's trying to make sure that she talks properly.
Discovering some different ways to potty train Dominique. We had to switch up the reward system from giving her a reward for going on the potty to rewarding her for being dry. It seems to finally be working (knock on wood), and she's trying to keep herself dry until she gets to the bathroom.
Enjoying that I can finally eat food again without worrying if it's going to make me sick.
Feeling a bit relieved that Dominique is finally back to sleeping through the nights. We had a couple months there where she was waking up multiple times during the night for no apparent reasons. And after one really bad night, we took out her naps. Pro side is that she's sleeping through the night. Con side is that she's awake at 6:30am. But I'll take that over not sleeping properly.
Starting to slowly gather up baby stuff. I got rid of a lot after my miscarriage, but I did keep the big stuff. Now just need to get some clothes and blankets ready by late June.
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