Currently 17/52
Screaming Halleluiah that I finally got my laptop working properly again. For some reason, I couldn’t access my start menu, my recycle bin, nor get photos off my phone. After a couple days of trying to fix the problem, I finally found a solution (create a new user) and viola! The start button still doesn’t work, but I can access everything else. Woo hoo!

Enjoying the fact that the girls got themselves a bunk bed! Violet loves that she’s got the top bunk and that Dominique can’t get to her. Dominique loves that she’s got herself a big bed and that she can get in and out by herself.

Trying to teach Dominique that when it’s bedtime that she needs to stay in her bed and go to sleep. Right now it’s taking about 1 hour to get her to go to sleep, but it’s a big transition, so we’re giving her some time.

Thinking of upcoming blog posts, scrapbook layouts and journaling. My creative juices are coming back and I’m liking it.

Watching way too many cartoons with the girls and not enough movies for me. Although it is getting to summer, so it will be even less, but I’m fine with that.

Hoping that I’m over this winter funk that I’ve been in for the past couple months. Being cooped up in the house during the cold months gets me down, so the fresh air is really refreshing and good at clearing the cobwebs from my brain.

Doing the #100dayproject on Instagram. I’ve decided to start walking every day for 100 days to start getting healthier and fit!
Loving that we’re able to walk to Pre-School now. Dominique is in the stroller and Violet is on her bike. We love the fresh air and the girls are tired by the time we get back home.

Celebrating Dominique’s 2nd birthday this weekend! How can she be 2 already??

Enjoying the fact that the girls got themselves a bunk bed! Violet loves that she’s got the top bunk and that Dominique can’t get to her. Dominique loves that she’s got herself a big bed and that she can get in and out by herself.

Trying to teach Dominique that when it’s bedtime that she needs to stay in her bed and go to sleep. Right now it’s taking about 1 hour to get her to go to sleep, but it’s a big transition, so we’re giving her some time.

Thinking of upcoming blog posts, scrapbook layouts and journaling. My creative juices are coming back and I’m liking it.

Watching way too many cartoons with the girls and not enough movies for me. Although it is getting to summer, so it will be even less, but I’m fine with that.

Hoping that I’m over this winter funk that I’ve been in for the past couple months. Being cooped up in the house during the cold months gets me down, so the fresh air is really refreshing and good at clearing the cobwebs from my brain.

Doing the #100dayproject on Instagram. I’ve decided to start walking every day for 100 days to start getting healthier and fit!
Loving that we’re able to walk to Pre-School now. Dominique is in the stroller and Violet is on her bike. We love the fresh air and the girls are tired by the time we get back home.

Celebrating Dominique’s 2nd birthday this weekend! How can she be 2 already??
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