Currently 2015 12/52
Reading on my Kobo this week, although I still prefer a regular book to a screen, this will have to do until I get through all the books on there.
Playing LittleBig Planet on the PS3 with the girls watching me.
Watching not much this week. I kind of put a ban on TV this week, so it hasn’t been on very much.
Trying to come up with some kitchen re-organization plans before going through with everything.
Cooking more new meals this week. Feels good when I can serve my family new meals/food and they like it.
Eating whatever is in the fridge for lunch.
Drinking lots of tea. Again. Seriously.
Doing some major laundry today. Oops.
Loving the family breakfast that we’ve been having every day.
Hating that I’m going to bed way too late, and therefore not getting enough sleep during the night.
Hoping (for) Spring to come very soon. It’s finally warming up and I’m excited!
Listening (to) Stuff You Missed in History Class on iTunes. Took a while to find something I like on the pod casts and I finally found one!
Thanking Keith for getting Violet her guinea pig, Pascal for her. She’s learning to be a responsible pet owner and how to take care of him on a daily basis.
Finishing Dominique’s rainbow blanket. Hoping to be completely done by the end of the month so that it will be ready for her birthday in April.
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