
Showing posts from March, 2015

Dear Dominique | 11 months

Thank you Dominique for the night snuggles the other evening. Mommy and Daddy were going to bed around 11pm and you were making some noises from your room. I went to check on you, and you were sitting in your crib, just looking for me. I picked you up to comfort you a bit and you quietly cooed at me and put your head on my shoulder. We stood there for a bit, swaying back and forth for a bit before I sat down in the rocking chair to enjoy some snuggles with you. You just sat in my lap, you head on my shoulder while we enjoyed some quiet time together. And I thanked God for the moment with you. Love you so much Baby Girl. Love Mommy.

Currently 2015 12/52

Reading on my Kobo this week, although I still prefer a regular book to a screen, this will have to do until I get through all the books on there. Playing LittleBig Planet on the PS3 with the girls watching me. Watching not much this week. I kind of put a ban on TV this week, so it hasn’t been on very much. Trying to come up with some kitchen re-organization plans before going through with everything. Cooking more new meals this week. Feels good when I can serve my family new meals/food and they like it. Eating whatever is in the fridge for lunch. Drinking lots of tea. Again. Seriously. Doing some major laundry today. Oops. Going nowhere this weekend, and I’m OK with that. Loving the family breakfast that we’ve been having every day. Hating that I’m going to bed way too late, and therefore not getting enough sleep during the night. Hoping (for) Spring to come very soon. It’s finally warming up and I’m excited! Listening (to) Stuff You Missed in History Class on iTunes. Too...

January 2015 Project Life

I've decided to share a monthly look at my Project Life pages for 2015. It's much easier for me to do this as I don't have to worry about keeping up every week. I just do a post at the end of the month and voilĂ , done. All my layouts are created in the Project Life app (only available on iDevices right now), with some editing done on my computer and input into the app via Dropbox. I'm mainly using the Kiwi Kit (available on the app) for 2015, with some odd other kids thrown in when needed. Here's the layouts for January 2015. Week 1: Not much going on this week. I'm also including a quote card that I found on Elise Joy's site (I'll be doing that every week for 2015). Week 2: Again, not much going on. Visiting family, making cheesecake cupcakes with Keith. The usual. Week 3: A bit more going on here. Grocery shopping, new yarn purchases, and time with Daddy Week 4: This week was busy. Family nap time, family date night, night out at Celebrations Dinner Th...

101 Goals in 1001 Days

Welcome to 101 in 1001. This project entails that I come up with 101 things I'd like to do/get done in 1001 days (starting today March 6, 2015 and ending December 1, 2017). About a goal/item every 10 days. Completely do-able, especially for bigger projects. And I find it motivating as I have a deadline to meet and it keeps me moving forward. I've done this sort of project before the girls were born and let it fizzle away. I'm determined this time to complete it as much as I can. And if you want to hold me accountable, I'm all for that as well. These projects are a mixture of big goals (like reading 101 new books or painting the kitchen) and small goals (like trying 10 new recipes and printing off photos). And I like that. It means that I can choose what I want to work on right now and once some stuff lines up for the big projects (like finances and time for re-painting the kitchen), then we can do that. Here it goes and wish me luck! Blog 1) Blog 3x a week for a month 2...