Project Life 2013 - Week 9

Not too much happened this week, except for a couple things:
1) Me and Keith did another impromptu trip into the city on Sunday. V went to Poppa's for a bit because we also had a meeting afterwards to go to. Keith got more WarHammer stuff and got V the "Mini-Munsch Treasury 1" book. She loves it already.
2) We had a meeting at the SCHS about Bill 18 Sunday evening. It was an information and prayer meeting about the upcomig "anti-bully" bill.
3) I accepted Keith's challenge to play WarHammer against him Monday evening. He played Tyranids while I played Space Marines. I didn't fare too bad, but he ended up beating me. Oh well. But it did perk my interest a bit in it.
4) We had Keith's Grandpa G's birthday party on Wednesday. V was entertaining herself by drinking from a regular cup, only a couple drops at a time, but she was doing it all on her own.
5) Thursday I found V standing up in her crib all by herself and trying to get stuff off of her dresser. She was so proud of herself.
Left side of layout
Right side of layout
Background paper: Project Life Cobalt Kit
