Day in the Life | January 29, 2020

Day in the Life - January 29, 2020 5:15am | I hear Zach whimpering from his room and calling for his water bottle, so I go find it, comfort him a bit (think he had a bad dream) and then crawl back into bed for 10 minutes before Keith is up and going to the gym. I grab my coffee and go sit down on the couch to work on my knitting (which I'm really hoping to get done by this weekend). 6:30am | Start getting kids up for the day. Zach was already standing at his gate, waiting for me to open it up. Violet (as usual) was a bit harder to get up. Got the kids breakfasts going and Keith got home from the gym and started getting himself ready for work. 8am | Keith started getting his stuff ready to go, which also meant that he had to blend up his smoothie. And of course, Zach is always up for helping Daddy blend his smoothies. Keith heads off to work, and I send Violet off to school shortly after and then start getting Dom & Zach ready to go to Zach's haircut ap...