Day in the Life - November 16, 2019

7:30am | All the kids "slept in", so they are enjoying the new Disney+ while I listen to a podcast and journal and Keith heads to the gym. 8:30am | Decided to get the ball rolling on some stuff that needs to be done today and quickly made a double batch of Taco Tater Tot Casserole for supper. One will be for supper tonight and the other will go in the freezer. Gotta love getting ahead on things. 11:30am | Decided to go ahead with some more freezer meals this morning. Along with the batch of Taco Tater Tot Casserole from earlier, I also made double batches of Southwestern Chicken Casserole and Shepherd's Pie. 1:30am | Had a quick lunch and then Keith took Zach out on a Daddy date to the pool, so I took Ruby and the girls to play on the hill and go for a walk. 2:30pm | Keith & Zach got home from their Daddy date and Zach walked in with a small bag of candy. Apparently he had a good time at the pool and even got comp...