An Important Update

OMG!!!! I'M PREGNANT!!!!!! Seeing as I haven't had my cycle yet this month, I decided to use the pregnancy test that we had bought last month. So just before I went to make supper, I went and took the test and then went to start supper. Well, the test showed positive, so I took the test to Keith (after cleaning it off) and told him that he broke the law about pro-creating. Lol. He was just looking at it and me a couple times and then tried to play it off as a “false-positive.” I told him nope, because it's near the end of the month and my cycle hasn't started yet. Lol. So I guess this means I'm gonna have to go to the doctor and see how far along I am. If my calculation is correct, I'd be due in October/November. Woot!! And it was confirmed today. Me and Keith went to the walk-in clinic to make sure that the home test was right and that I was indeed pregnant. Got there around 12 and had to wait until 1:30 to register. Luckily, I had brought my DS and a book with...